How To Make a Paper Kunai Shuriken (Ninja Star)

 To craft your very own paper Kunai Shuriken, start by selecting a square piece of paper and folding it in half diagonally. Then, fold the triangle in half again to form a smaller triangle. Next, fold the two bottom corners of the triangle up towards the top point to create a more elongated shape. Fold this elongated shape in half vertically and unfold it halfway to reveal the crease.


Now, fold each side of the top layer inward towards the center crease, forming a diamond-like shape. Repeat this on both sides and secure with tape where necessary. Once you have done this on all four sides, your paper Kunai Shuriken is taking shape! Finally, carefully fold back the corners slightly on each end to give your ninja star its sharp points. Let your creativity shine as you experiment with different colored papers or sizes for unique variations!
